Sunday, November 10, 2013

Week 7 &8

Sigh~ Sorry....been really busy again x_x

Just went to the dermatologist for my 2nd month on accutane check-up.... these appointments have really inconvenient times. Just happens to fall before midterm week and finals week....oh well gotta do what I have to!

Side effects:

  • Super super dry nose! Inside and outside!
  • The blackheads came back and are drying up yet again!
  • Drier body skin than normal!
  • Scalp is dry yet again
I think accutane comes in cycles for me.... near my period I start getting a break out or get super dry inflamed skin. However, other than that I am doing fine and am on track of finishing my dose in two more months! Hoorah~ Hope all goes well and wish you all the luck with your skin too <3 Maybe after my accutane I will post my skin care regime :)!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week 5,6

Sorry for the late update! Busy with school work....

Side Effects:

  • Nauseous? After every meal I feel kind of queasy. sigh.
  • Still quite red in the face
  • Less dry, my hair is even getting oily after 2 days of no washing
  • Some blackheads came back and I am having a little break out :c
Sigh, not a good week for my skin but hopefully it will get better by the third month! That is normally when a lot of people really see results :)! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week 4

Week 4 Guys! Done with my first month of accutane :)

So far clearing up. Last week I got a break out though :T Probably due to my period...but accutane is supposed to also work on hormonal acne.... >< *crosses fingers*

Side effects:

  • Still constant dry lips, just constantly put on a lip balm
  • Less dry skin than the first month
  • Still red faced
  • Sensitive eyes?
  • Dry throat and nose (not too bad though, just drink water) 
So far so good. Hopefully my journey will continue smoothly! >< Only thing that is really really bothersome is getting the actual medication. I just transferred my accutane to a different pharmacy and there was a minor problem. The result was just a lengthy wait at the pharmacy, around 2 hours. 

Oh! My skincare routine is really helping the dryness of my skin! As a matter of fact, my face rarely feels dry anymore! If anyone wants to know my routine please comment or something <3 

Thats all for this week! See you again soon :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 3

Third week of accutane!
Side effects:

  • Dry skin
  • Bloody noses
  • Dry cuticles
  • Shedding hair
  • Redness in face
Well, it is my third week of accutane and so far so good! Besides the thinning hair, my other side effects are bearable. I have not had severe bloody noses and my lips are dry but they have not cracked and bled, unlike most people on accutane. It seems that I am lucky so far *knocks on wood* and hopefully my blood test will also show good results!

Oh! My blackheads are also almost completely gone! Still peeling though!

That is all for this week~ and hope everyone is having good progress with their skin problems too <3

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 2

Week 2 of Accutane

Side Effects:

  • SO MANY blackheads!
    • >_< Almost all the pores on my nose feels like a blackhead.
  • Drier scalp
    • I am flaking and think my hair feels thinner ._.
  • Slightly dry inner nose
Sigh, the blackheads and thinning hair is kinda scaring me. However, I hear people say the blackheads start falling out by the 4th week or so. Praying the thinning hair is also temporary! 

That's all for this week~ 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 1

It has officially been 1 week since I started accutane~ anddd so far its alright?

Side effects:

  • headache for the first 2-3 days
  • constantly red in the face
  • little drier skin around the nose and chin area
  • scalp getting bit drier, feels a bit flakey =_=;;
I haven't had any severe dryness yet? I'm wondering if that will really kick in the second week or so. Or maybe my skin care is doing its job? Well I'll find out soon~ and if my skin care is really saving me I'll introduce the products I am using! 

I am experiencing some break outs around my nose and chin area, as usual. So its nothing too new except that its like purging out my blackheads and stuff? I'm getting a lot of little pustules and black heads, which I hear is quite normal. Hopefully I wont get a rash like some other people experience =_=. 

Well over all~ Doing fine so far ;3 and hope to update you guys soon ~ 

Monday, September 16, 2013


As of Saturday, September 14, I have started taking accutane! Therefore, I am going to start writing short diary entries to document my progress.

For those of you who want more information on accutane (also known as isotretinoin) or have never heard of it before, please do your research! These entries are just for me to document my journey on accutane and hopefully others will also benefit from my experience.

If you are still reading this post and still have no idea what accutane is, it is basically a last resort treatment for patients with severe or persistent acne. It is a very concentrated and strong medication that makes all the oil glands in your body to stop producing so much oil. Therefore, without oil and sebum, bacteria is not allowed to grow and inflame your skin. Ideally the acne will also stop forming. Accutane is usually only prescribed after all other methods of treating acne fail including: topical, birth control and antibiotics.

I'm pretty sure accutane is pretty much a synthetic form of vitamin A, which is also known to help oily skinned people in daily supplements! :) Accutane sounds pretty heavenly for all the acne sufferers right now, yes? Well, there are big risks and side effects for this medication, similar to all medications. Accutane's side effects always include dry lips, nose, skin and worst cases depression, liver damage and deformed babies! (>_<) However, I weighed my own benefits and risks and decided to take accutane!

Now enough for all the boring talk~ I'm going to talk about my personal skin and then throughout the months hopefully write about the side effects I'm experiencing.... (If I'm not lazy with schoolwork and other stuff~ <3)

My skin type: 
Ridiculously oily! within an hour of washing my face or out of the shower, my face is already oily... T-zone can even get Hourglass's immaculate foundation melting off. For those who haven't heard of Hourglass immaculate foundation, its available in Sephora for a hefty price, but does wonders for those with oily skin!

Acne severity:
Mild but very persistent! I don't have acne that covers the whole face all the time. I have constant spots. Once one is gone, another one replaces it. Nodules, papules and of course cysts. I even get ones that connect together.... just painful ;m;. I am also always red in the face! It's kinda embarrassing when people keep asking "Why are you so red?" Well, I can't help it. It's genetic?? Oh and before I forget! I'm also taking accutane for my horrendous back acne! I'm starting to scar on my back and call my self a leopard (giggle).

Dosage: I'm taking absorbica 60ml a day. 30ml pills twice a day.

Since I've only been taking it for 3 days theres not much yet XD! But hopefully I get this blog started before the crazy side effects. So far skin isn't dry yet but I've been preparing hydrating skin care! I think I am getting a little red...

Hahaha... gross thing I got yesterday.... >> please do not read if you get easily disgusted!

Giggle, usually when I see the head of a pimple form and its prime for popping, I usually do it manually.... I know its bad but I do it anyway. However, on the second day of taking accutane.... one of my pimples popped by itself.... out of nowhere.... was kinda cool but gross.

Sigh~ so that's all the news for today :3 <3 Hope all the readers will have a nice day and take care~

;3 May post pictures if I'm not lazy and embarrassed >///<